Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told

There is more to the fossil fuel energy predicament than we usually hear about.

Strangely enough, a big part of the confusion regarding the nature of our energy problem comes from the fact that virtually everyone wants to hear good news, even when the news isn’t very good. We end up seeing information in the Mainstream Media mostly from the perspective of what people want to hear, rather than from the perspective of what the story really is. In this post, I explain why this situation tends to occur. I also explain why our current energy situation is starting to look more and more like an energy shortage situation that could lead to economic collapse.

This post is a write-up of a presentation I gave recently. A PDF of my talk can be found at this link. An mp4 video of my talk can be found at this link: Gail Tverberg’s Nov. 9 presentation–Our Fossil Fuel Energy Predicament.

Slide 1
Slide 2

Most people attending my talk reported that they had mostly heard about the issue on the right end of Slide 2: the problem of using too much fossil fuel and related climate change.

I think the real issue is the one shown on the left side of Slide 2. This is a physics issue. Without fossil fuels, we would find it necessary to go back to using older renewables, such as oxen or horses for plowing, burned wood and other biomass for heat, and wind-powered sail boats for international transport.

Needless to say, these older renewables are only available in tiny quantities today, if they are available at all. They wouldn’t provide many jobs other than those depending on manual labor, such as subsistence agriculture. Nuclear and modern renewables would not be available because they depend on fossil fuels for their production, maintenance and long distance transmission lines.

Slide 3
Slide 4

On Slide 4, note that M. King Hubbert was a physicist. This seems to be the academic specialty that finds holes in other people’s wishful thinking.

Another thing to note is Hubbert’s willingness to speculate about the future of nuclear energy. He seemed to believe that nuclear energy could take over, when other energy fails. Needless to say, this hasn’t happened. Today, nuclear energy comprises only 4% of the world’s total energy supply.

Slide 5

The transcript of the entire talk by Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover is worth reading. I have excerpted a few sentences from his talk. His talk took place only a year after Hubbert published his research.

Rickover clearly understood the important role that fossil fuels played in the economy. At that early date, it looked as if fossil fuels would become too expensive to extract between 2000 and 2050. A doubling of unit costs for energy may not sound like much, but it is, if a person thinks about how much poor people in poor countries spend on food and other energy products. If the price of these goods rises from 25% of their income to 50% of their income, there is not enough left over for other goods and services.

Slide 6

Regarding Slide 6, the book The Limits to Growth by Donella Meadows and others provided early computer modeling of how population growth and extraction of resources might play out. The base model seemed to indicate that economic decline would start about now. Various other scenarios were considered, including a doubling of the resources. Without very unrealistic assumptions, the economy always headed downward before 2100.

Slide 7

Another way of approaching the problem is to analyze historical civilizations that have collapsed. Peter Turchin and Sergey Nefedov analyzed eight economies that collapsed in their book Secular Cycles. There have been many examples of economies encountering a new source of energy (conquering a new land, or developing a new way of producing more energy), growing for a time, reaching a time where growth is more limited, and finally discovering that the economy that had been built up could no longer be supported by the resources available. Both population and production of goods and services tended to crash.

We can think of the current economy, based on the use of fossil fuels, as likely following a similar path. Coal began to be used in quantity about 200 years ago, in 1820. The economy grew, as oil and natural gas production was added. We seem to have hit a period of “Stagflation,” about 1970, which is 50 years ago. The timing might be right to enter the “Crisis” period, about now.

We don’t know how long such a Crisis Period might last this time. Early economies were very different from today’s economy. They didn’t depend on electricity, international trade or international finance in the same way that today’s world economy does. It is possible (in fact, fairly likely) that the downslope might occur more rapidly this time.

Past Crisis Periods seem to feature a high level of conflict because rising population leads to a situation where there are no longer enough goods and services to go around. According to Turchin and Nefedov, some features of the Crisis Periods included increased wage disparity, collapsing or overturned governments, debt defaults, inadequate tax revenue and epidemics. Economists tell us that there is a physics reason for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer during Crisis Periods; in some sense, the poor get “frozen out” and the wealth rises to the top, like steam.

Slide 8
Slide 9

Slide 9 is a chart I prepared several years ago, showing the growth in the world production of fuels of various types. What little wind and solar was available at that time was included in the biofuels section at the bottom. Early biofuels consisted largely of wood and charcoal used for heat.

Slide 10

Slide 10 shows average annual increases for 10-year periods corresponding to the periods shown on Slide 9. This chart goes to 2020, so it covers a full 200-year period. Note that the increases in energy consumption shown are especially high in the 1951-1960 and 1961-1970 periods. These periods occurred after World War II when the economy was growing especially rapidly.

Slide 11

Slide 11 is similar to Slide 10, except I divide the bars into two pieces. The bottom, blue part corresponds to the amount that population grew, on average, during this ten-year period. Whatever is left over I have referred to as the amount available to increase the standard of living, shown in red. A person can see that when the overall growth in energy consumption is high, population tends to rise rapidly. With more energy, it is possible to feed and clothe larger families.

Slide 12

Slide 12 is like Slide 11, except that it is an area chart. I have also added some notes regarding what went wrong when energy consumption growth was low or negative. An early dip occurred at the time of the US Civil War. There was a very long, low period later that corresponded to the period of World War I, World War II and the Depression. The collapse of the central government of the Soviet Union occurred in 1991, so it is part of the 10-year period ended 2000. Most recently, we have encountered COVID shutdowns.

The peaks, on the other hand, tended to be good times. The period leading up to 1910 corresponded to the time of early electrification. The period after World War II was a period of growth and rebuilding. Most recently, China and its large coal resources helped pull the world economy forward. China’s coal supply stopped growing about 2013. I have written that we can no longer depend on China’s economy to pull the world economy forward. With recent rolling blackouts in China (mentioned in the next section), this is becoming more evident.

Without enough energy, the current period is beginning to look more and more like the period that included World War I and II and the Great Depression. Strange outcomes can occur when there basically are not enough resources to go around.

Slide 13
Slide 14

Slide 14 shows recent energy production. A person can see from this slide that wind and solar aren’t really ramping up very much. A major problem is caused by the fact that wind and solar are given the subsidy of “going first” and prices paid to other electricity producers are adjusted downward, to reflect the fact that their electricity is no longer needed by the grid. This approach tends to drive nuclear out of business because wholesale electricity rates tend to fall to very low levels, or become negative, when unneeded wind and solar are added. Nuclear power plants cannot easily shut down. Instead, the low prices tend to drive the nuclear power plants out of business. This is sad, because electricity from nuclear is far more stable, and thus more helpful to the grid, than electricity from wind or solar.

Slide 15

Fossil fuel producers need quite high energy prices for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons is simply because the easiest-to-extract resources were removed first. In recent years, producers have needed to move on to resources with a higher cost of extraction, thus raising their required selling prices. Wages of ordinary citizens haven’t kept up, making it hard for selling prices to rise sufficiently to cover the new higher costs.

Another issue is that fossil fuel energy prices need to cover far more than the cost of drilling the current well. Producers need to start to develop new areas to drill, years in advance of actually getting production from those sites. They need extra funds to work on these new sites.

Also, oil companies, especially, have historically paid high taxes. Besides regular income taxes, oil companies pay state taxes and royalty taxes. These taxes are a way of passing the “surplus energy” that is produced back to the rest of the economy, in the form of taxes. This is exactly the opposite of wind and solar that need subsidies of many kinds, especially the subsidy of “going first,” that drives other electricity providers out of business.

Prices for oil, coal and natural gas have been far lower than producers need, for a long time. The COVID shutdowns in 2020 made the problem worse. Now, with producers quitting at the same time the economy is trying to reopen, it is not surprising that some prices are spiking.

Slide 16

Most local US papers don’t tell much about world energy prices, but these are increasingly becoming a big problem. Natural gas is expensive to ship and store, so prices vary greatly around the world. US natural gas prices have roughly doubled from a year ago, but this is a far lower increase than many other parts of the world are experiencing. In fact, the bills that most US natural gas residential customers will receive will increase by far less than 100% because at the historic low price, over half of the price for residential service is distribution expenses, and such expenses don’t change very much.

Slide 17

Slide 17 shows another way of looking at data that is similar to that in Slide 14. This slide shows amounts on a per capita basis, with groupings I have chosen. I think of coal and oil as being pretty much the only energy resources that can “stand on their own.” The recent peak year for combined coal and oil, on a per capita basis, was 2008.

Natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric were the first add-ons. If a person looks closely, it can be seen that the growth rate of this group has slowed, at least in part because of the pricing problems caused by wind and solar.

The “green” sources at the bottom are growing, but from a very low base. The main reason for their growth is the subsidies they receive. If fossil fuels falter in any major way, it will adversely affect the growth of wind and solar. Already, there are articles about supply chain problems for the big wind turbines. Any cutback in subsidies is also harmful to their production.

Slide 18

US papers don’t tell us much about these problems, but they are getting to be very serious problems in other parts of the world. The countries with the biggest problems are the ones trying to import natural gas or coal. If an exporting country finds its own production falling short, it is likely to make certain that its own citizens are adequately supplied first, before providing exports to others. Thus, importing countries may find very high prices, or supplies simply not available.

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Slide 20

This slide got a lot of laughs. The university does have some sort of agricultural plot, but teaching subsistence farming is not its goal.

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Slide 24

My point about “scientists who are not pressured by the need for research grants or acceptance of written papers are the ones trying to tell the whole truth” got quite a few laughs. As a practical matter, this means that retired scientists tend to be disproportionately involved in trying to discern the truth.

With the military understanding the need to work around energy limits, one change has been to move away from preparation for “hot wars” to more interest in biological weapons, such as viruses. Thus, governments of many countries, including the United States, Canada, France, Italy, Australia and China, have funded research on making viruses more virulent. The vaccine-making industry also supported this effort because it might enhance the industry’s ability to make and sell more vaccines. It was believed that there might even be new techniques that would develop from this new technology that would increase the overall revenue generated by the healthcare industry.

Questions came up, both during the talk and later, about what other changes have taken place because of the need for much of the audience to hear a story with a happily ever after ending, and because of the known likely decline of the economy for physics reasons. Clearly one thing that happens is successful entrepreneurs, such as Elon Musk, aim their production in areas where subsidies will be available. With fossil fuel production not making money, fossil fuel producers are even willing to undertake renewable projects if subsidies seem to be high enough. The issue isn’t really, “What is sustainable?” It is much more, “Where will the profits be, given where subsidies will be, and what people are being taught about how to perceive today’s problems?”

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Slide 26
Slide 27
Slide 28

In fact, what has been happening in recent years is that a great deal of debt has been added to the world economy. Mostly, this added debt seems to be creating added inflation. It definitely is not leading to the rapid extraction of a great deal more fossil fuels, which is what really would allow the production of more goods and services. If inflation leads to higher interest rates, this, by itself, could destabilize the financial system.

Slide 29

I tried to explain, as I have in the past, how a self-organizing economy works. New citizens are born, and old ones pass away. New businesses are formed, and they add new products, keeping in mind what products citizens want and can afford. Governments add laws and taxes, as situations change. Energy is needed at every step in production, so availability of inexpensive energy is important in the operation of the economy, as well. There are equivalences, such as employees tend also to be customers. If the wages of employees are high, they can afford to buy many goods and services; if wages are low, employees will be very restricted in what they can afford.

In some sense, the economy is hollow inside, because the economy will stop manufacturing unneeded products. If an economy starts making cars, for example, it will phase out products associated with transportation using horse and buggy.

Slide 30

A self-organizing economy clearly does not operate in the simple way economists seem to model the economy. Low prices can be just as big a problem as high prices, for example.

Another issue is that the energy needs of an economy seem to depend on its population and how far it has already been built up. For example, roads, bridges, water distribution pipelines and electricity transmission infrastructure must all be maintained, even if the population falls. We know humans need something like 2000 calories a day of food. Economies seem to have a similar constant need for energy, based on both the number of people in the economy and the amount of infrastructure that has been built up. There is no way to cut back very much, without the economy collapsing.

Slide 31

I am not exactly certain when the first discussion of the economy as a dissipative structure (self-organizing system powered by energy) started. When I prepared this slide, I was thinking that perhaps it was in 1996, when Yoshinori Shizoawa wrote a paper called Economy as a Dissipative Structure. However, when I did a search today, I encountered an earlier paper by Robert Ayres, written in 1988, also discussing the economy as a dissipative structure. So, the idea has been around for a very long time. But getting ideas from one part of academia to other parts of academia seems to be a very slow process.

Debt cannot grow indefinitely, either, because there needs to be a way for it to be paid back in a way that produces real goods and services. Without adequate energy supplies, it becomes impossible to produce the goods and services that consumers need.

Slide 32

Attendees asked about earlier posts that might be helpful in understanding our current predicament. This is the list I provided:

Humans Left Sustainability Behind as Hunter Gatherers  – Dec. 2, 2020
How the World’s Energy Problem Has Been Hidden – June 21, 2021
Energy Is the Economy; Shrinkage in Energy Supply Leads to Conflict – Nov. 9, 2020
Why a Great Reset Based on Green Energy Isn’t Possible – July 17, 2020
The “Wind and Solar Will Save Us” Delusion – Jan. 30, 2017

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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5,606 Responses to Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told

  1. Sam says:

    So I’m not sure are they admitting that the initial vaccine does not work? Or are they saying it helps etc.. and are they saying that the vaccine wanes after 3 months? That’s what I’m waiting to hear. My guess is that they will say vaccine works to not make you as sick but as a cautionary measure you should get the booster? If the booster works why is modern saying it doesn’t?

  2. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday warned that the US might enter a fifth wave as the threat of the new Omicron variant looms.

    “We certainly have the potential to go into a fifth wave,” Fauci, the nation’s topmost COVID-19 expert, told CBS News’ “Face the Nation.” “And the fifth wave, or the magnitude of any increase, if you want to call it that it will turn into a wave, will really be dependent upon what we do in the next few weeks to a couple of months.”

    He once again urged that Americans get vaccinated against the coronavirus, adding that they should opt for booster shots as well.

    “If we do that successfully in a very intensive way, we can mitigate any increase,” Fauci said.

    “If we don’t do it successfully, it is certainly conceivable and maybe likely that we will see another bit of a surge,” he added. “How bad it gets is dependent upon us and how we mitigate.”

    So far, a little more than 59% of the total US population is vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Fauci has previously said that the US needs to get up to around 90% in order to achieve herd immunity.

    Fauci’s latest remarks come as the nation prepares to deal with the threat of the Omicorn variant.

    Scientists and health officials are warning the Omicron variant, first detected in South Africa, could spread easily across the world. It has already spread to several other countries, including Israel, Belgium, England, Australia and Austria, prompting a spate of travel restrictions across Europe, Asia, and North America, Insider’s Aria Bendix reported. A health official said on Saturday that two cases of the variant have been detected in the UK. And Fau

    From Business Insider.com

    Fauci wants 90% vaccinated…now do it NOW! Pronto…ITS FREE. Joe Biden says so…
    I couldn’t make this stuff up…

  3. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Failure to wear a face diaper in shops and on public transport in England will be punishable by hefty fines under new rules.

  4. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    Om The REAL NEWS Networks the message Joe Six Pak and Mary Hartman read..

    ‘This is not going to be good’: Moderna CEO on what scientists are telling him about the omicron coronavirus variant
    Steve Goldstein
    Tue, November 30, 2021, 5:03 AM·

    CEO Stéphane Bancel has left no doubt whether he’s taking a glass half-full or half-empty approach to the emergence of the new omicron coronavirus variant.

    He told the Financial Times there’s no world where current vaccines are as effective as they have been against the delta variant. And he suggested the drop-off could be significant.

    “I think it’s going to be a material drop. I just don’t know how much because we need to wait for the data. But all the scientists I’ve talked to . . . are like, ‘This is not going to be good’.”
    The interview put another scare into financial markets, with futures on the Dow industrials YM00, -0.45% contract losing more than 500 points. “The major vaccine makers have offered timelines of two to six weeks for assessing its vaccine evading capabilities, and in the meantime, travel shutdowns and behaviour modification are a risk as we await anecdotal and statistical evidence of the spread of the virus and its virulence,” said Steen Jakobsen, chief investment officer at Saxo Bank.

    Stay TUNED 😜🙈. THEIR TOP Scientist are hard in the laboratory day and night…expect a break through soon to protect you, your family. loved ones and neighbors and strangers from this never ending mutant pandemic… It can be overcome by following some common sense instructions.
    First, get vaccinated with boosters as they come online, second, wear your mask and stay six feet apart . Third, do not pay attention to those that say otherwise.
    You all know I’m being sarcastic ☺️ right?

  5. Michael Le Merchant says:
  6. Michael Le Merchant says:

    The Omicron Variant: Much Ado About Nothing?

    The World Health Organization is warning the Omicron variant can spread more quickly than other variants. That’s likely true, but based on science, that doesn’t mean the variant is more lethal than Delta or others — in fact, it’s probably more mild.

  7. Michael Le Merchant says:

    “There is no alternative to the compulsory vaccination” of the general population in Austria, confirm health minister Mückstein and constitution minister Edtstadler (Krone)

  8. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Greece enacts compulsory vaccination against COVID19 for those aged 60 and older.

  9. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Italy’s Industry Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti warns of blackouts in Europe amid energy supply issues.

    • Student says:

      It is very sad to say that by now the only way to exit from this new European authoritarism would be only through blackouts, collapse, wars, insurrections or any other catastrophic event.
      But the problem is that ‘they’ are avoiding all this, keeping the system like on a controlled demolition or also like a terminal patient while the new one is not ready yet.
      Therefore it seems that there will be no escape to this imposed nightmare, because not enough people have realized what’s behind pandemic and what is the objective of this pandemic.

    • Eventually, one has to consider the though experiment this could be even (desired by some) feature not a bug – especially if other avenues, deemed more practical to forcing de-growth don’t pan out for plethora of reasons and twists (depop coup, war in the East, ..)

  10. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Designated Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and the majority of MPs in favor to introduce the compulsory vaccination of the population in Germany (BILD)

    • el mar says:

      My view from Germany
      Fear bloom before deflationary “game over

      After inflation driven by buying panic, fat deflation will follow in the next few years as an expression of thermodynamic adjustment to real conditions on a finite planet.
      With these prospects, why do people still want to be puppets in high public office? To become a politician or “citizen-master” in an over-indebted soon ungovernable city.

      We now find over-indebtedness at all levels. Between 2000 and 2020, global economic activity, expressed as GDP, increased by 94%, meaning that the economy is said to have “grown” by $64 trillion (at constant 2020 levels).
      However, this “growth” was accompanied by a much larger – 190% or $216 trillion – real increase in total debt.

      First we pumped up the past by insanely burning fossil fuels and when that wasn’t really enough anymore we started pumping up the future to funnel purchasing power into the present. Purchasing power that no one will ever generate in the future. Shh, don’t say it out loud. If this gets out, there will be a bank run tomorrow.
      It’s clear, the capitalist chain letter as a one-way table fireworks needs, system immanent, this madness to grow and live. Marketing and brainwashing spurred us last to buy things we don’t need, with money what we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like.

      But the capitalist run is now nearing its end. Wishful thinking is displacing realism at this stage. Humanities scholars and who-knows-what commissioners are now making policy decisions better left to engineers and system checkers.

      Get out of nuclear, coke and coal. Solar (oh dear, I’m looking out the window into the deep gray November weather right now) and wind power are supposed to do the trick.
      Widewidewitt, glitter-sun and puff-cake energy for a high-performance industrial society. In addition possibly still gases from cow farts and throwaway food from the kaputtregulierten agriculture.
      Just now, when we need temporarily even more energy to create a new infrastructure, we get out. But this does not work withouthein!

      Because BASF, for example, needs more electricity than the whole of Denmark. They will go where there is still electricity. To China, perhaps! They are building 200 new coal-fired power plants.

      Mrs. Merkel initiated the morning dew plan with other means. Which masters does she actually serve? The I-wish-for-something coalition, with its donkeys and asses on thin ice, will complete it.

      For example, with a basic income without benefits. That’s another crazy idea. Explain that times to a squirrel. No achievement, i.e. collect and provide in the summer = no nuts in the winter. Who does not provide for itself, although he can, will come in the future just as under the wheels as the squirrel mentioned. Apart from it the Verschnullerung of the society leads to degeneration, Verfettung and Verblödung. We have already taken a few steps forward in this regard.

      Beyond the political puppets on the national level, however, there seems to be, e.g. in Davos and surroundings, a few string-pullers with perspective. These are, the people who have Merkel and Co. under control. They see that after the party and the planet plundering of the past 200 years on the supply and raw material side no more much lucrative is to be gotten. With the help of a virus, they put us in checkmate and weaken the demand side in order to keep the leftovers for themselves. It’s hard to believe that this borderline-debilitarian narrative is being eaten by so many. But even the reset will not succeed. Too many unintended side effects in a self-organizing system will bring down the house of cards.

      … and then? I don’t know. In any case, much less of everything!

  11. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Germany – Real yields (10y Bunds-inflation) plunged to -5.52%, a fresh All-Time low after inflation jumped to 5.2% in Nov from 4.5% in Oct. Real yields now NEGATIVE for 67 consecutive months, another historical record.

  12. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Continued mass vaccination will only push the evolutionary capacity of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein beyond the Omicron version

    • Mrs S says:

      “Even though the intrinsic virulence of the virus is unlikely to change (as there is no evidence of immune pressure being placed on virulence genes), the occurrence of ADE would have the same effect because it enhances and accelerates viral pathogenicity. When this happens, we’re likely to generate a situation that resembles the one described for Marek’s disease, although using a different pathway to cause devastating disease (2). Whereas Marek’s virus is so virulent that it breaks through the innate immune defense of the host (poultry) and stays ahead of protective adaptive immunity in unvaccinated chicken, an allosteric SARS- CoV-2 variant would not only break through the innate immune response of vaccinees (due to vaccine- mediated suppression of relevant innate Abs) and resist vaccinal Abs (by bypassing traditional receptor domains within ACE2), but also become more pathogenic due to ADE.

      ……I am truly afraid that these dynamics will eventually allow for the natural selection of individuals with uncompromised innate immunity while eliminating those without it.”


  13. CTG says:

    Mike Roberts, I could not resist and gave in to the temptation.

    We have Sinovac, Pfizer and AstraZeneca here. Which one should I take if I want to fit in best to the governmental views and getting around the easiest as compared to the unvaccinated’

    • Xabier says:

      Now, now CTG, it should be obvious by now that Mike can’t answer that himself – he’ll need to consult the authorities first.

      Only then can he rationalise their instructions, and act on them, however absurd and illogical they might be.

      The Mikes: millions and millions of them…..

      For my part I hope against hope that he and they all wake asap.

      • And if not there is the “drb protocol” discussed recently, but this is desperate (genius), highly risky, no guarantees, .. and likely won’t work if say ~3x mandatory shots in series across few months will be required for the passport.

  14. CTG says:

    I heard from someone that if you take business class in a flight, you are exempted from wearing masks.

    If that is true, then it certainly confirmed that the virus will only infect the middle class

    • Xabier says:

      On the very eve of re-imposing masks in the UK, Boris Johnson and the Education (formerly vaxx) minister the Iraqi Kurd crook Zahawi, were both at huge public indoor events, award ceremonies + dinner/lunch.

      No masks, no distancing, and very crowded.

      This dangerous, vaxx-defying, variant is truly highly selective in the class of people it attacks……

      • Trousers says:

        What must be remembered here, is Boris Johnson is the muppet who went into hospital in the early days of the outbreak, shaking hands with those infected.

        Having contracted it, he soon discovered being an out of shape late middle aged man left him very vulnerable to it and wound up in hospital himself in pretty desperate shape.

        Since recovering, he first made statements about the need for people to be fit and healthy but he’s forgotten all about that now and returned to being a shambolic blob. And he keeps getting into himself into positions where he has to self isolate.

        Boris Johnson doesn’t wear a mask for no ther reason than he can’t be bothered and doesn’t think about it. Which seems to be his approach to life and the U.K. Government in general.

        If he doesn’t shape up soon the Tories will have him out.

      • Duncan Idaho says:

        Greece to Fine Unvaccinated $115 a Month Until They Get Jab.

    • CTG says:

      I found from Google that in some instances, mask are exempted. So, that means that business class passengers are all strong and healthy and virus will not attack them

  15. CTG says:

    “Slow Disaster Playing Out” As Germany Moves To Shut Down 8.5 GW Of Baseload Nuclear Capacity


    Any Germans here who can confirm this suicidal move?

    • There has been a big move to shut down nuclear in Europe in general and in Germany. This has happened to a significant extent because with the pricing scheme for wind and solar (they go first, artificially lower prices for all other players), even fully paid for nuclear is driven out of business by low prices. Owners have no objection to closing.

      According to BP data, nuclear electricity production in Europe was at its peak in 2004. It has gradually been declining since. Total electricity production for Europe has been about flat since 2004. Nuclear comprised 28.5% of Europe’s electricity production in 2004, but only 21.6% in 2020.

    • Duncan Idaho says:

      Unvaccinated travellers barred from planes and trains in Canada starting Tuesday

  16. Fast Eddy says:

    Moderna CEO says vaccines likely no match for Omicron variant
    Moderna predicted vaccines will struggle with Omicron, which is spreading around the world and prompting nations to close their borders once again.


    hahahahaha the vaccines created it … so of course they are not effective hahahahaahaha

  17. Fast Eddy says:

    Dr Byram Bridle, Part 3: The harm vaccines do to children


  18. This is how EU prophets see the future of continent infrastructure – power generation system.


    Look at the ‘National Estimates with low thermal capacity 2030’ scenario. Apart from minor issues everything is al’right, it seems 😉

  19. Sam says:


    I think this is what is happening to athletes

  20. hillcountry says:


    Gerry wrote this awhile ago. He beats around the bush telling stories of Inuit encounters with the Aurora Borealis and parents’ warnings to their children not to whistle or sing whenever the waves are visible. He talks about French and Swedish scientists and their arctic-circle area mountaintop experiments designed to harness power from the Aurora in the 1800’s. Then he gets into Tesla’s advances from those earlier passive experiments to his active ones.

    Gerry’s contention is that someone is very interested in harnessing the power of the Aurora Borealis. Wouldn’t that be the wild-card up the sleeve. He’s got a whole different take on the HAARP project in Alaska and goes into some detail as to the interests involved.

    It would be interesting if humankind could stop burning fossil-fuels and had sufficient electricity available to create fuels instead of drilling for them.

    • This sounds like another intermittent electricity scheme. We don’t need intermittent electricity. We need a cheap, controllable supply of electricity that is available new where populations can use it.

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